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Empowering Null Objects in a Rails application

Null Object is a well-known software design pattern that allows one to take advantage of duck-typing encouraged by Ruby. Plenty of articles offer good descriptions of this pattern and provide basic usage examples, which has prompted me to attempt integrating it into my Rails apps several times. Unfortunately, null objects always seemed to fall short of being able to fully replace nil checks and other conditionals. Luckily, Sandi Metz took a terriffic in-depth look at this pattern in a recent talk. Inspired by this presentation, I returned to the Null Object pattern and finally implemented it in a way that unlocks its full potential while leaving the code base clean and compartmentalized.

Implementing a rudimentary Null Object in a Rails application

A common example of using null objects in a Rails app has to do with current_user. With stored in the session, a simple helper method might be implemented as

def current_user
  @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: session[:user_id])

As written, the method returns a User object if a user is signed in or nil otherwise. This necessitates a nil check in the view:

<% if current_user %>
  Welcome, <%= %>
<% else %>
  Welcome, Guest
<% end %>

A basic Null Object implementation can go a short way towards mitigating the problem:

# app/models/guest.rb
class Guest
  def name
# helper
def current_user
  @current_user ||= (User.find_by(id: session[:user_id]) ||
<%# view %>
Welcome, <%= %>

This implementation is not only messy but also half-hearted, as it merely shuffles the conditional out of the view and into the helper. One way to clean it up might be to override the find and/or find_by methods of User:

# app/models/user.rb
class User
  def self.find_by(args)
    super ||

  def self.find(args)

# the helper returns to its original implementation
def current_user
  @current_user ||= User.find_by(id: session[:user_id])

While less than ideal, this implementation of the Null Object pattern is functional, and this is where many article examples stop.

Going beyond the basics

There are some questions that can help take this implementation of the Null Object pattern further:

  • Should the User class, which already handles persistence of user records and possibly other duties, be responsible for creating and returning new Guest objects? (Class naming is deliberate here: had the null object been named NullUser, it would have been more tempting to have User return a “null version of self”. A Guest, on the other hand, is clearly a distinct entity from User.) Or does this responsibility belong to a view helper, whose job is just to provide some reusable convenience methods for views? Neither option feels right.

  • What happens when one wishes to extend the view in this fairly common way:

Welcome, <%= link_to, current_user %>

Rails is smart enough to route a reference to a User object to UsersController#show, but it won’t be able to do anything with an instance of Guest. Not yet, anyway.

Extracting new responsibility

To address the first question, one can ask if determining whether a person is a user or a guest is a job worthy of a brand new class. Sandi’s talk makes a strong case for answering this in the affirmative. In her presentation, she drives the point home by naming the new class GuaranteedAnimal - whether the sought Animal object exists or not, the GuaranteedAnimal class will return something that will look and waddle and quack like an Animal.

And so, the User class can lose its custom find and find_by methods and resume its (hopefully) single responsibility of persisting user data. Instead, a new class is created to encapsulate the User/Guest dichotomy:

class Person
  def self.find(id)
    User.find_by(id: id) ||

# helper
def current_user
  @current_user ||= Person.find(session[:user_id])

(It makes sense to propagate the user -> person change to the helper method and into the views, but I’m keeping it as current_user for clarity.)

Just like GuaranteedAnimal, Person.find is now sure to return an object that will respond to all messages sent to it by other components of the application. This approach eliminates the need for type checks and neatly encapsulates the responsibility for determining the type of person interacting with the app.

Empowering the null object

What about being able to do

<%= link_to, current_user %>

Rails knows how to route to a User because routes.rb probably contains

resources :users

Soooooo… Why not

resources :guests

If the application is made with any care, there should never be a reason to handle anything but show for a guest, so resources :guests is overkill, but it drives the point home - treating this null object as a first-class citizen in the app allows it to perform all the duties of a User doppelganger. GuestsController may do nothing more than redirect to sign-up/sign-in pages, but it serves the higher purpose of putting Guest on fully equal footing with User, which allows the former to stand in for the latter in all usage scenarios.


Null objects exist to eliminate the need for nil checking (which is just a variant of type checking), and to fully enable Ruby’s duck typing and polymorphism. However, null objects can be easily crippled when they are pigeonholed into the “support” category, and their half-baked implementations can force their code to pollute other classes. Code awkwardness and SRP violations can be cleaned up by diligently extracting new objects to encapsulate discrete bits of functionality. Moreover, full potential of null objects can be unlocked only when they are treated as first-class citizens within an application.