On Cucumber and testing
This article was originally written as part of an ongoing discussion within the team building the OSRA app.
1. Cucumber.
Any time a component is added to an application, its anticipated benefits must be weighed against the costs of its implementation. Cucumber is a costly framework in terms of development time, developer effort, and cognitive strain on both creators and readers of tests due to the following:
- Gherkin is an awkward sort-of-but-not-quite English
- Scenarios written in Gherkin need to be then translated into Ruby in a separate file (both good and bad, see below)
- Regex in step definitions are laborious to write and may require periodic maintenance (good for learning regex, bad for productivity)
- Maintenance & correct reuse of step definitions can be overwhelming in larger test suites
- Cucumber features run much slower than specs
Thus, for its use to be justified, Cucumber has to give returns that are somehow greater than the investment put into writing its tests. I am not convinced of Cucumber’s utility as documentation, nor of its usefulness as a shared language for developers. Developers speak Ruby, or are in the process of learning to speak it, and so Ruby, rather than Gherkin, is our lingua franca.
When it comes to documentation, I tend to question the value of any such thing that is external to the code base itself. Developers can read code in models and controllers. They can also read specs, and therefore have no need for an additional framework. From the perspective of the client or user, Cucumber stories are hardly suitable as manuals. Imagine reading them in order to learn how to use GitHub or Heroku. Moreover, for the kinds of apps we usually build, a need for a manual or any other kind of external document would be strongly indicative of design and architectural flaws. My conclusion, therefore, is that we need to evaluate Cucumber’s merits strictly as a testing framework. Its other contributions to a project are secondary or non-existent.
2. Testing at the right level of abstraction.
Feature tests are meant to test an application at the highest level of its functionality. Here, there are no models, no requests, no Rails - just a user’s interaction with the browser. When we feature-test e.g. creation of a new user… Wait, that’s low-level language… When we feature-test new user sign up, what is relevant? My answer is something along the lines of:
When I sign up for Site Name Then I should see my new
user profile And I should receive a confirmation email
i.e. We are testing that sign-up works. Step definition take care of filling in requisite fields and clicking on relevant buttons. But all we want to know - all we ask the scenario to test - is whether the sign-up functionality works.
I find the following example from the shoulda-matchers gem inspiring:
When I generate a new Rails application
This step’s definition has 16 lines of code, including a conditional, but the step itself is clean and uncluttered with unnecessary detail. The only bit of information relevant to this high-level test is that a new Rails app is created, the “how” of it is not.
Later, the scenario has these steps:
Then the output should contain "2 examples, 0 failures"
And the output should contain "should require name to be set"
And the output should contain "should respond with 200"
I would argue that this descends to too-low a level of abstraction. To stay consistent with the initial paradigm, these specifics ought to be used as definition for a single step
Then the specs should pass
How they pass, what examples they run, or what messages they return is not the concern of the high-level feature. Interestingly, if Cucumber is used thus, it immediately becomes less costly:
- scenarios are short, to the point, easier to follow and to correct;
- only a few awkward-English steps need to be translated to Ruby;
- all the browser interactions are written in our beloved Ruby (Capybara) right from the start;
- the need for regex and paths is drastically reduced if not outright eliminated.
This happens because the Cucumber framework very intentionally promotes such
high levels of abstraction by “physically” separating test steps from their
implementation. (RSpec features can be made as abstract, but with extra effort -
otherwise, all the click_button
s & fill_in
s need to be included right in
the scenario.)
Admittedly, my experience developing web apps and testing them is rather
limited at the moment. You’d be right to question my opinions. If it helps, the
very people who develop Cucumber happen to think
likewise. web_steps.rb
was removed from the
precisely so that people would stop writing bloated, boring and brittle
scenarios that contain the low-level steps like When I click on …
or Then I
should see ... within ...
My happy place
Let us keep Cucumber. It’s a good tool. It can be useful to us and to the client. And if it doesn’t come in terribly handy in building OSRA, getting experience with it will still be good for us. But let us use Cucumber well and in the way it was built to be used by keeping our tests at the highest level of abstraction. The low-level details have two possible places to go: step definitions or view specs. Both of these can co-exist without redundancy: thoughtbot uses features for high-level tests, and view specs to test conditional display of elements in view templates, and has good reasons for doing so.